Initial Interaction

When you decide that you want to approach me for my services, simply reach out in one of the ways listed on my contact page. I will get back to you as soon as possible about my availability. If I am available to take you on as my client, I will send you a copy of my contract to look over. We will agree on a mutually accessible place to meet. I will answer any questions that you have about me, my services, or my contract. After you have time to think it over, I will reach out to you and see if you are interested in my services, or decided to take another route. If I do not hear from you within one week, I can no longer guarantee my availability for your due date, but will be happy to make it work if I am not booked.

Prenatal Education

After you have decided to utilize my services and signed the contract, I will make myself available to answer any questions you might have. I will share any resources that I have in order to help you make the best decisions and preparations. I will make sure to answer you as quickly as possible via message or phone call, and when necessary, I will make time to meet you again in person.


From around 36 weeks on, I will be on call for you. By being ‘on-call’ I mean when you feel like you might be in active labor it is time to call me. I can help you identify signs of progress and when you decide to go to the hospital, I will come too. If your plan is to have a home birth, I will come when you are ready for me. During labor is the most beneficial time to have birth support. During this time I can help by providing relief through massage, counter-pressure, or other techniques. I can also provide partner relief, help mom switch labor positions, and help remind you of options to explore if things do get tough. I will encourage, and advocate for you no matter the type of birth that you decide to have. I will also stay for a while after birth to answer any new questions, help you initiate breast-feeding, or simply keep an eye on your bundle of joy while you get a shower or nap. Above all, I am a keeper of the sacred space that surrounds bringing a little one earth side. That means, where you lead, I will follow and support your empowered decision.

Postpartum Support

Adjusting to life with a newborn can be challenging. My goal during the postpartum period is not to interfere with your bonding, but to be there if you need help. Around 6 weeks, if not before, I will schedule an appointment with you just to see how you and your little one are doing. I am available to answer questions that you might have, lend a listening ear, and refer you on for professional help when needed.

Birth Pictures

While I am not a professional photographer, I am willing to bring my camera and take birth/baby pictures for you for a small fee. However, this will come with the disclaimer that my doula services are more important, and therefore take priority. Either way, I am happy to snap a few ‘first family pictures’ free of charge.

*Disclaimer- while I am in school to be a medical professional, I am not one currently. My advice is not meant to substitute a conversation with your primary care provider, but can offer some insight when entering the pregnancy and birth realm.*